Pro Player 128
videoQC Pro Player is the most capable video player/analyzer/comparison software for Windows, macOS and Linux.  videoQC supports almost every broadcast, scientific and post production file format, and can load one or two files for visual comparison.  videoQC can also support HD-SDI and HDMI output via your AJA, BlueFish444 or Blackmagic video boards.  videoQC supports zoom and pan, loudness and RMS meters, waveform, vectorscope, chromaticity, histogram, audio phase/wave/vector, and full 608/708/OP-47 closed caption decode and display. For full reference tests, 39 visual comparison modes are supported including seamless split, mirror, side by side, difference and A-B thresholding.  Files can also be analyzed for single ended audio/video, or for full reference using PSNR, SSIM or MS-SSIM.  These tables can be charted for quick seek access to the video file and exported as high resolution or proxy MP4 files along with CSV, XML, PDF or HTML reports.  The HTML can include the charts, tables and proxy files for online checking of both single and full reference files.


TestVid videoQC Media Player

videoqc compressed sidebyside full 
videoQC - full reference, full raster, dual view

TestVid's videoQC is a set of tools designed to work with QC operators from automated, back end servers all the way to interns looking at incoming files. The main tools in videoQC include:

  • Wide file format support, including everything from broadcast to post production and raw formats
  • RTP, UDP, RTSP, and NDI stream source support
  • Local, network (NFS, SMB, etc) and web/http(s) source support
  • Automated metadata generation and comparison to master file or template
  • Automated audio and video metric generation (levels, broadcast legal, sizes, types, rep, etc.)
  • Real time video playback to desktop and SDI/HDMI
  • Time code, closed caption, audio meter displays and overlays
  • Full set of scopes for analysis including:
    • Waveform (YCbCr and RGB)
    • Vectorscope
    • Histogram
    • Chromaticity (601, 709, 2020)
    • Real time status
    • Audio vectorscope
    • Audio phase meter
    • Audio histogram
    • Audio waveform display
    • Safe zones (action, title, graphic, picture)
  • Hex/Decimal video pixel video
  • Audio metering, RMS, EBU/r.128
  • Audio routing, up to 16 x 16 channels
  • File clipping and export, wrapping or standard broadcast formats
  • Compressed to original video comparison, including:
    • Over under, side by side, difference with threshold, A-B, mirror butterfly, and more
    • Flip sources, movable horizontal/vertical lines, alignment grid
    • 3D viewing including interlace, side by side, anaglyph


videoQC Full Reference Tutorial